Sunday, January 13, 2008

Come On Out to the Florence County GOP Meeting, and Support Your Favorite Candidate....

Monday night will be the monthly Florence County GOP meeting, where I'll be dining on my usual meatloaf and mac n' cheese with tea. The timing of the meeting is real good, with only 5 days remaining before the South Carolina primary. There are no special guests scheduled, although with it being the day before Michigan, most of the presidential candidates are not expected, but their camps are, and it should be a good opportunity to network and get some yard signs and other stuff from whatever candidate you like.
Here are the details:
Where: Horne's Restaurant
S. Irby St, just south of Cherokee Rd.
When: Dinner at 630, meeting at 700PM.
What Will Mike be Doing: looking good, shaking hands and nothing else!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Hope you had a good crowd Mike. Get me a Rudy yard sign if you can.
