Thursday, January 10, 2008

John Kerry Gives John Edwards the Back of His Hand, Endorses Obama.

Guess 'The Chin' Doesn't Like Edwards That Much After All.....
Things sure can change a lot in four years... Former Presidential candidate John Kerry is in Charleston today to announce his endorsement of Barack Obama. This is a definite dissing of his ex-running mate, John Edwards, and the timing couldn't be worse.
South Carolina is Edwards' last stand, and everyone knows it. The Breck Girl is running a distant third right now, and this isn't going to help in Democratic circles. Kerry's decision is partially based on Edwards' criticism of Kerry's campaign in 2004, but the main reason is that Kerry isn't going to pick a loser, and there is no doubt that Edwards is going down.
Will this really help Obama in South Carolina? No really, but it might help out nationally, although Kerry is hardly a symbol of change.... No matter, Kerry still has a sizeable database, and there are a few Democrats who value his word. Sorry, I almost laughed after I typed that one!!
Although Obama hasn't been critical of Edwards, the fact is that Edwards is in Obama's way to the nomination, and Obama really needs Edwards to drop out. This might assist in that a bit, but John Edwards is one hardheaded MF....


  1. Anonymous12:44 PM

    I think the endorsement is more anti-Hilary than anti-Edwards, though Edwards is still prettier.

    Reduce it to being anti-Hilary and it is clearly payback for the Clinton's "upstaging support" in the 2004 election.

    In the longer run, it could be beneficial to Edwards.

  2. I just see Edwards playing the little brother you have to bring to the drive in with your girlfriend. He's a third wheel at this point..

  3. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Third wheel, yes, though an option for the folks that are PO'ed with the venom being exchanged between Barack and Hilary. Definitely VP seeking weasel

  4. Anonymous2:56 PM

    and the winner is

  5. No real winner on this one, but Edwards is the loser, although when you're cemented in 3rd, you're losing anyway..

  6. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Another motive hanging out there, with Aerosmith's "Dude Looks Like A Lady" in the background, is that Edwards is prettier than Tereezzza Heniz Kerry...
