Thursday, January 17, 2008

Missed Work Because Your Grandma Dies One Too Many Times? Try These for Inventive Ways to Call In Sick.

Need to call in sick, but you're running out of good excuses? We here at SC6 are always on the lookout to help you out. We found this list of the most inventive excuses employees had to not show up to work. Now they say the best thing to do is to tell the truth, but the last time i did that, i got fired. Use your best judgement.......

1. At her sister’s wedding, an employee chipped her tooth on a mint julep, bent over to spit it out, hit her head on a keg and was knocked unconscious.

2. While at a circus, a tiger urinated on the employee’s ear, causing an ear infection.

3. An employee’s dog wasn’t feeling well, so the employee tasted the dog’s food and then got sick.

4. “Someone put LSD in my salad.”

5. An employee’s roommate locked all his clothes in a shed for spite.

6. “Stuck on an island – canoe floated away.”

7. An employee was upset because his favorite "American Idol" contestant was voted off.

8. “I didn’t think I had to come in if I had time in my vacation bank. I thought I could take it whenever I wanted.”

9. An employee said he wasn’t feeling well and wanted to rest up for the company’s holiday party that night.

10. A groundhog bit the employee’s car tire, causing it to go flat.
