Mitt's Scaring Small Children, But Check This Clip Out.....
There are some things in politics, and life in general, that you just don't do. I'm a white dude. Not THE whitest guy on the planet, but I'll never be mistaken for having 'street cred'... Knowing that you are the whitest guy on the planet is important - especially if you're running for President. Because when you know that, it will keep you from saying stupid things like Mitt Romney did.....
I'm not positive of where this was, but I think it was in Michigan . While campaigning, he ran into a group of black people, and stood for pictures. What did he say while standing for the pics? WHO LET THE DOGS OUT...... WOOF WOOF !! I shit you not...
Nothing is uglier than the out of date white guy trying to look cool. Mitt, you are a Presidential candidate - you are NOT COOL ! Maybe you could have been a bit more 2008, and 'Party Like a Rock Star' or something like that, rather than be so 2004.... Now this would have been good enough on word alone, but someone got this on tape, and thanks to the magic of YouTube, here it is...
who did let the dawgs out