Thursday, January 24, 2008

More Celebrity Endorsements... Stallone's Going With McCain...

If Sly Hits the Road for McCain, Look Out - I Could Be Lethal...
Only a day or two after I published my official Celebrity Endorsement Guide, we have a fresh off the presses one for you today. Mike Huckabee may have Chuck Norris working for him, but John McCain has got Rambo in his corner !
Yep. Sylvester Stallone has come out in support of McCain this week. My guess is someone at a press junket for his new movie this week asked him offhand, and Stallone said McCain - not that he's going to go out on the road for him like Norris does for Huckabee. Would you send Sly out to talk for you??
McCain-Stallone is a perfect fit. John McCain was in a Vietnamese prison for six years, and Stallone has done movies where he rescues soldiers from VC prisons - it couldn't be more perfect !!
If it were you, which guy would you rather have in your corner - Stallone or Norris ? Both kick ass in my book, but Norris does speak a little clearer, so I might go with him. It just depends on the job, I guess.


  1. Anonymous8:44 AM

    I'm waiting for the Ross Perot 527 to surface...

    Ross believes that McCain knows that there were POWs left behind and that McCain's is helping bury the evidence.

    PEROT/Guilani 2008 coming soon as Rudy withdraws... maybe

  2. God, I hope not. We're already trying to go back to '92 with the Clintons. I had a good time in the early 90's too, but I moved on eventually.

  3. Anonymous10:36 PM

    I want, what they want, and every other guy who came over here and spilled his guts and gave everything he had, wants! For our country to love us as much as we love it! That's what I want!

  4. Anonymous11:30 PM

    we should had nuked them commies
