Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New Hampshire Results... McCain Wins Easily, Clinton Knocks Off Obama...

John McCain's Got His Game Face On, and Hillary Says "I Told You So"...

Round Two is over, and it gets more interesting... Hillary Clinton, left for dead after a rough time in Iowa, pulled an upset win over Barack Obama in New Hampshire - or was it an upset. Everyone who depended on the polls were left standing confused as to how the polls were wrong, but Clinton was up the 3-4 points that she won by last week. Sometimes exit polls don't work, ask John Kerry....

Did she turn around the 10 percent with her teary-eyed comments yesterday? I really doubt it. Most people didn't believe their authenticity anyway. New Hampshire had more women than Iowa, they're a little older, and those voters are in Hillary's wheelhouse. John Edwards was a distant 3rd, but he didn't sound like a man ready to get out, and the longer he stays in, the more he hurts Obama. Edwards never has seen the writing on the wall, and I doubt he will until it gets too late for Obama. With this win, Clinton may have just gotten the key win to slow down the Obama train.

On the GOP side, John McCain has his big win, now where does he go? Michigan may go to Mitt Romney, South Carolina looks to be Huckabee's type of state, and then Super Tuesday will be EXPENSIVE......It all will be a real dogfight, and the longer it goes on, the more it appears that this may go to the Convention. While tonight was McCain's night, this is no way clarified this race - it's a big frickin' mess, folks!!

New Hampshire was more surprising and interesting than I thought it would be, but it's over, and in 10 days South Carolina will have it's say on who the nominees will be.



  1. Anonymous11:52 PM

    mike when i talked to you earlier i know you had fox on watching i also talked to earl, bobby, jean claire, june, buck, sumter, carol, rob, dawn, windy, zoe and mama and all was watching the election results in new hampshire all on fox what gives. if i was to guess out of the ones i talked to including myself i can break the gop vote down. 6 for rudy 2 for mccain 2 for thompson 2 for romney and 2 for huckabee. thats right i did my own poll on my telephone tonight and the margin of error is a lot.

  2. Anonymous9:30 PM

    and that self-serving prick Romney finishes 2nd again ...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaha<<< evil laugh.

  3. Anonymous12:28 PM

    The two pictures look like before and after shots for a laxative.
