Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Rudy May Have a Harder Time In Florida Than He Planned..

At Least They Spelled His Last Name Right....
Rudy Giuliani can't be jumping up and down for joy on this one... As tough a time as Rudy has had, Hillsborough County in Florida didn't make it any easier for him this week. It seems that 200,000 sample ballots that were sent out have Giuliani's name misspelled.
Now, I've had trouble every now and then spelling Rudy's last name, but Hillsborough County couldn't get his FIRST name right !! Yep, the county put him on the ballot as "Rudi Giuliani", which infers a feminine gender. Personally, I have never met a woman named Rudi, or Rudy for that matter....
Hillsborough County will be resending sample ballots with Giuliani's named correctly spelled. The cost ? About $40,000 to the taxpayers. That is one expensive "i".


  1. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Tampa home of Yeungling Beer ( I know you will say Pottsville, Pa. ) and Busch Gardens they were probably drinking when they spelled his name.

  2. My guess is Busch Gardens was busy measuring the retaining wall on the Tiger Pit...

  3. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Rudy is done i tell ya...done! He's gonna get whacked.

  4. Anonymous12:22 PM

    At least 'twasn't Bob Dole handing out Viagra samples, providing a harder time
