Thursday, January 10, 2008

Run to the Hills!! It's the Attack of the Cuke-Asaurus !!

WTF Is This?? It's Another One of Our Strange Fruit.......
It's orange, it has thorns and bumps like a World War II bomb, and it looks like a cucumber on the inside....It's Cukeasaurus !!! Technically, it's called a Kiwano, but it also goes by African Horned Cucumber and Jelly Melon. Sounds nice, but inside lurks evil.....
This one is pretty gross. I'll just quote from the blog that I found this on.......
Strolling the produce section of Safeway the other day, I was stopped dead in my tracks by an unusual looking melon. Bright orange with horny protrusions, it beckoned my curiosity to pick it up. Ouch! It was thorny not horny! Inca Gold "Cuke asaurus" the label read. Curiosity completely engaged, that was all I needed to put it in my basket. An instructional sign read that it was similar to a kiwi, and should just be sliced in half and eaten with a spoon. Gelatinous, bitter seeds, limy-cucmberish... It is not rewarding to eat raw, as it is rather astringent and full of bitter seeds. Higher in potassium than a banana, and chock full of vitamin C, it would be a great fruit, except for the difficulty in eating..." Not exactly a ringing endorsement, is it ???
So, if you like jello-ish cucumbers that taste like Gin & Tonics, this may be the fruit for you, but we don't recommend it...


  1. Anonymous4:45 PM

    actually, if you tried one you would would like it.

    They are actually quite good. But at approximately 4.00 a piece they are not your everyday item at the produce market

  2. Wow, $4.00 each?? That's a pricey piece of fruit... It certainly meets our criteria as strange fruit..

  3. Anonymous2:51 PM

    seen it never ate it but would

  4. Anonymous10:48 PM

    I'd need too much scotch to consider it and would be making lettuce and celery daquiris before trying that thing.

  5. Anonymous2:39 AM

    There's nothing to it, it's just bland.
    They were $2.99 at the store I went to so I stuck it in my pocket. Stealing these is not easy due to their thorns. Not worth the price...even if you steal it!

  6. Anonymous10:45 PM

    u ought 2 b ashamed of urself
    perhaps if u were 2 pay 4 it it would of tasted better stealin is not a option

    i just bought one and i'm very hesitant bout eatin it
    it was 2 bucks @ publix

  7. Anonymous10:01 PM

    i was googling this strange fruit and found your blog! i just bought one and ate it (even though i didn't know what it was). it's quite tasty if you don't chew the seeds (just swallow) and sprinkle a bit of sugar on it. very expensive though. would be something i would treat myself to about once a month.

  8. Anonymous9:38 PM

    We just bought one and then looked it up on google it right after eating it. We found them to be quite strange. We found large, bright green, slimy, gelatinous, pulpy seed sacks that are surrounding a bitter white seed. The seed is larger than a cucumber seed but smaller then a watermelon seed. The taste is somewhat similar to a cucumber but bland. I paid $3.99 for ours and do not think I would buy another one unless it is to show someone what they are like. Why would when strawberries and raspberries are cheaper?

  9. Anonymous1:56 PM

    ¿Who knows the latin denomination of this thing?
    Please let me know genus and species, if possible.
    Thank you!

  10. Anonymous1:56 PM

    ¿Who knows the latin denomination of this thing?
    Please let me know genus and species, if possible.
    Thank you!

  11. Anonymous6:57 PM

    I just ate one for the first time,and let me tell you,it tastes like watered down's not half bad actually.

  12. Anonymous12:58 AM

    I believe this frut should be use to make cocktails or drinks, taste awesome with vodka, tequila, rum or pisco. I think the best of this fruit is that really wakes you up, its like a natural redbull, you feel different after drink it. i bought 3 for $6

  13. Well, my son encouraged me to buy it. He said it looks like a tomato but has a banana after-taste. Indeed it does!! We decided to mix an odd couple of fruits - a Cukeasarus and Papaya with a little icecream in a blender. Woo. Now hold on to your seat. This was a new way to produce the flavor of a Strawberry in a shake. Actually a bit better really. The little seeds of the Cukeasaurus chopped up in the blender was ultimately similar to the sees on a strawberry.
    Really quite good!
