Friday, January 11, 2008

The South Carolina Debate.... No Clear Winner.

Well, Myrtle Beach got it's day in the sunshine with the Republican Party last night. It was a nice show, but if voters were looking for the debate to give a clearcut favorite, they would be disappointed....

With the exception of Ron Paul, all of the candidates did fine. By this point they have all done so many debates, that they can get through these without sticking their foot in their mouths. Paul is the obvious exception.... He's shown that as far as foreign policy, he is like most Libertarians- unrealistic and not living in the modern world. His responses on Iran were ludicrous.

Most people think Fred Thompson was the winner. Like we were told beforehand , he went on the offensive at Mike Huckabee. Some people like when candidates go on the offensive at other candidates, but I'm not a real fan of it, so I wasn't as impressed. As far as the rest of the field, JohnMcCain, Mitt Romney, Rudy Giuliani and Huckabee were all pretty solid.

The ironic part of the whole South Carolina debate was that South Carolina was barely mentioned. Usually the candidates do a bit of pandering to gain the locals votes, but that didn't happen. I guess it's not a surprise, with many of the camps pulling out of here and focusing on other states. Maybe it's me , but the candidates seem to be minimizing the importance of winning the Palmetto State. Too bad....



  1. Anonymous2:48 PM

    If you were keeping score I also believe Fred won.

  2. You're not the only one, Moye. Not sure it was enough to make up the ground he trails by.

  3. Anonymous12:57 AM

    Fred Thompson won the debate without a doubt. It's not that he was "attacking" Huckabee, it's that he is pushing a truly conservative agenda!

    Fred Thompson is the only real conservative running. He is a federalist and believes in limited government. He supports the 2nd Amendment and the rest of the Constitution. He understands economics and why the American people should be deciding how to spend their money, not having Washington spend it for them. He is strong on national defense and understand the threat caused by global terrorism. He is pro-life and always has been.

    Fred Thompson is the conservative choice, hands down!

  4. Well, saying Huckabee had a Democrat agenda was a bit low. Fred did set the bar a bit low on expectations with his performance in earlier debates, so it was time he woke up.

  5. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Agreed, when McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy, et al follow a far more leftist agenda than Fred was trying to lay at Huckabee's feet, like the prankster with a flaming bac of manure at 0200 at your front porch.
