Thursday, January 24, 2008

WARNING !! This Movie May Make You Sick....

'Cloverfield' Making Viewers Nauseous at the Theater...
Ever get sick watching a movie? Me neither. I did go to one of those movies at the amusement park where the floor moves along with the camera - UGH!! Well, apparently there is a movie that is doing the same thing to it's attendees.
'Cloverfield' is a new movie where aliens (or something) attack New York , and it is shot like the viewers are using home video cameras, so ther are a lot of jerky movements in it. I guess it's kind of like the Blair Witch Project, but with better special effects - and hopefully better action than "did you hear that?".......
It seems that the way it was filmed is so jerky that literally thousands of people are complaining that they are getting sick while watching it. Some of them so badly, that they demanded refunds!! Wow. Word is that the film now has a warning before it airs, warning of the possibility of getting the pukes from motion sickness....
If i want to get sick on purpose, I'll get on a roller coaster, not go to the movies. Then again, some people might like that.....

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