Friday, January 25, 2008

Who Takes South Carolina? No Surprise Here.

Who's Your Daddy, Hillary? It's Obama !

I have to admit. I made up the story earlier in the week about Jim Clyburn endorsing Obama. I was just trying to stir up some shit this week... Maybe it makes us bloggers look less credible, but I think everyone knows I have NO sources in the Democratic Party, so I doubt any of you took it as gospel. This race isn't close at all, so Clyburn will be wiser to sit it out like he has, then kiss the winner's booty later. YOU GOT OFF EASY, JIM !!!!!

Yes, Obama will take the Palmetto State pretty handily. Hillary has gone elsewhere, leaving Bill and Chelsea to clean up the mess. When you're losing the black vote 4-1, and they make up 40%, winning the white vote 4-3 doesn't make up for it. I guess I'd leave to, and focus on greener pastures...

Unfortunately, John Edwards is coming in a decent, if not spectacular, third place showing, so he'll keep trudging on, which in the end will hurt Obama. Hillary is like David Beasley was in the Senate race in 2004 - he can win a split race, but one-on-one, he got no additional support. Edwards is pulling votes from Obama, not Hillary, and soon the Obama camp will pressure Edwards to drop out. I doubt it.

It gets a lot harder for Obama from here on out. This may be his last hurrah. The states get bigger, they are more establishment Democrat states, which will likely save the Clintons. As far as the Dems go, South Carolina is an abberation for the norm. It's not a typical race for them. They see it as a nice little race to gauge the African-American market - then they move on.

After tomorrow, it will get real quiet around here. All the networks will pack up and forget all about us for another four years. The Dems will consider us a lost cause, and the GOP will take us for granted, and focus on more battleground states. Hope all you guys liked Lizard's Thicket, the Corridor of Shame, and Jim's Fish Fry.....

Y'all Come Back Now.. Ya Hear?


  1. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Barack me Amadeus...I wanna Barack and roll all night...Barack around the clock...Jailhouse Barack???...Party like a Barack star...Long live Barack...Crocodile Barack...I'm just a singer in a Barack and roll band...Barack and roll hootchie koo...Barack on...Barack and roll never forgets...Cleveland Baracks...Old time Barack and roll...Barack and roll high school...Barack and roll ain't noise pollution...For those about to Barack...Barack the casbah...Barack this town...Barack of ages...You can still Barack in America...The house is Barackin'...Barack and roll lifestyle...Detroit Barack city...and last but not least, We will Barack you.

  2. You forgot Barack and Roll Fantasy..

  3. Anonymous11:26 PM

    First of all Lizards Thicket sucks worse than Barack especiall the one near the airport in Columbia/Cayce whatever town. I have to disagree on Edwards hurting Obama. In SC and the rest of the south he hurts Clinton for sure. Maybe the nation as a whole. Tell me your reason you came to this conclusion sometime. The real joke is that Obama will win SC a state he cannot win if nominated in November. In fact he could win the entire south for the Democrats primary and possibly get the nomination. I did say possibly. I do believe Clinton is still in the drivers seat across America.

  4. Like I said in the post, Clinton has her supporters, and the rest are Dems, but quite Clinton supporters. Obama and Edwards both are running on the 'change' stance, so whoever drops out, the other candidate will benefit by their dropping out. Not necessarily all, but I'd bet Obama gets ex-Edwards supporters 2-1. Then it gets real tight... Not enough to beat Clinton, but close.

  5. Anonymous12:18 PM

    It does beg the question though for Dems as to which is more politically correct, the old white wannabe matriarch that "can't recall", "doesn't remember" or the charismatic young black man?

    One is, IMHO, humble enough to accept VP, the other's ego will accept nothing less than coronation by acclimation. As with a parable in Luke, the humbler one is better suited as a statesman, the most worthy candidate on the blue slate and the carpet bagger should have run for his seat in Illinois, rather than the seat in NYC.
