Friday, January 04, 2008

Would You Eat This? SC6 Introduces More Strange Produce..

Everyone seemed to like the post I had with the Square Watermelon, so I decided to try and find more strange fruit. When i Googled 'strange fruit' I got a bunch of photos of lynchings... It turns out that 'Strange fruit' is a Billie Holliday song from the 30's , protesting lynchings in the South. I sure got more than I was looking for with that one.
Back to my purpose. Weird Produce. Ever have one of these?? Probably not. This is a Soursup, a fruit closely related to a custard apple. Obviously, you don't eat the outside - unless you are use to eating porcupines - but it has a milky center, and it is a delicacy in Western Africa. Like the square watermelon, don't expect to see it in the Bi-Lo anytime soon....


  1. Anonymous12:37 AM

    heard it tasted like shi-

  2. Yeah, I'm not sure I'd like a milky tasting apple..

  3. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Ahh yes, give the sheep's head to "round eyes" tell him it is great delicacy and offends chief if he doesn't eat it.

    OTOH, isn't that the colon polyp removed from perky Katie Couric?

  4. The old Chief Obadidi's Revenge, eh? If Katie had that in her pooper, i'm surprised she could sit..

  5. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Mikey, one suspects that's why Katie is so full of...
