Friday, January 04, 2008

Wyoming Is the Next Primary...And No One Cares..

There's Some Beautiful Scenery, But Not a Voter in Sight.....
In all the insanity of states moving up their Primary dates, there are some winners and losers. Wyoming is a definite loser. Hoping to attract more attention to their primary, the Cowboy State moved it's date up to January 5th - tomorrow. Right in between the big tradition battles in Iowa and New Hampshire. How have the candidates responded? They all have skipped Wyoming entirely....
Seriously, none of the candidates have even stopped by, and who can blame them? There are maybe 500,000 people in Wyoming, which translates into about 3 delegates. You can try to make your state more important by moving the date up, but if no one is voting, it won't matter.
So, while all eyes are on New Hampshire this weekend, there will be Wyoming - running it's own Primary, with no one watching...


  1. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Let me guess, Wyoming's favorite son Dick Cheney takes those delegates in a landslide.

  2. Cheney may be the only registered voter in Wyoming!!

  3. Anonymous12:42 AM

    the way i understand the republican side you vote at your county meeting and they did have ron paul, mitt romney and fred thompson show up in the state and also mitt won 12 delegates and i believe fred got 2 and maybe ron got 2 not real sure but certainly a beautiful state

  4. From what I read, no one had been there since Dec. 4th. Mitt got a lot of help fom the Mormons in the western part of the state.

    Wyoming gambled and lost, but they had nothing to lose anyway.

  5. in any event, i'm sure it was a fun ride for them.

    since states like SC and Wyoming aren't competitive in the fall, it's nice for us to go early, because it's the only time candidates will ever show their faces here.

  6. Wyoming just picked a really bad time to have their caucus. SC will get it's share of publicity - not becuase of the First in the South status, but because there is a nice space before and after SC.
