Thursday, February 07, 2008

Check Out the Barack Obama - Black Eyed Peas Video..

Don't think Barack Obama wants to be a rock star? Take a peek at this clip on YouTube. It's a video made by Black Eyed Peas frontman Will i. Am. He took Obama's "Yes We Can" speech after the New Hampshire Primary, and he put it to music.

It's a bit like Wyclef's "Gone til November" - but not as good. At least he got some help from buddies like John Legend and Scarlett Johanssen. Still, it's towards the boring side, although the Cool Factor of having Black Eyed Peas write a song for you helps. You can't blame Obama for Will i Am writing a crappy song, after all......

Here is the clip:

Speaking of Black Eyed Peas, here's a far more interesting clip of Fergie when she peed herself onstage...



  1. Anonymous9:50 PM

    if Scarlett and her Johanssens say we can, than i'm in!

  2. Anonymous1:11 PM

    In fine Borat "Throw the Jew down the well" tradition, one Obama HQ is keeping a large poster of Che Guevara prominently hanging on the wall. Check Joeseph Farrah's notes on Che's outrages in the light of Obama's smug quips about Gitmo and Abu Grahib.
