Sunday, February 10, 2008

Do You Suffer From H.A.S.? Check This Clip and Find Out.

Here's an interesting clip from Fox's 'Half Hour News Hour'. It features Laura Ingraham, playing a doctor for a new drug - OxyClinton, a miracle medicine designed to cure everyone's favorite latest three letter illness. H.A.S. - Hillary Ambivalence Syndrome...


  1. Anonymous6:36 AM

    i may have it

  2. Anonymous1:44 PM

    With Ann Coulter's "I'd endorse and work for Hillary if McCain is hte nominee" we may need a prescription for her...

    CAE... I've ridden more helicopters out of there than planes.

  3. Anonymous12:50 AM

    Laura Ingraham isn't exactly on board the McCain train either.

  4. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I think Laura was on the Duncan Hunter train and the compromise on McCain isn't one she will do lightly.

    McCain's best call will be a promise on the appointment of judges to the Supreme court to appeal to the RTKBA, Immigration and RTL issues that are high on social conservatives and evangelicals agendas. On that issue I could see a 527 running a graphic ad balancing an aborted baby with video from an ultrasound of a baby in utero, asking who's going to appoint judges that speak for the rights of the unborn. You don't need to hang McCain, Huckabee, Obama or Clinton's image or name with it, but you know which ones would howl about being "swift boated".

    Jerry Corsi doesn't have to author a new book to further damn Clintonism, _Atomic_Iran_ and _Unfit_for_Command_, I think offer enough of a smoking gun for 9/11 before we get into selling secret to China. OTOH, Obama probably equals another best seller, though the Unione Norte Amerikano has Corsi's focus... maybe damning for the McCain bid

  5. No doubt about Laura going with McCain kicking and screaming. At least she hasn't said anything stupid like Ann Coulter's "I'll vote for Hillary if McCain is nominated"...

  6. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Pat Buchanan may be on that kool aid, til he looks at who appoints who to fill seats on the Supreme Court bench.

    Aside from that, looking at the header of the Hildabeast, knowing that the fangs have been retouched out, no wonder Monica was so appealing.

  7. Looks like the latest episode of 'When Presidential Candidates Attack'.

  8. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Second thought, someone could have doctored the preparation H with Coleman's Hot Sauce, though she's not flushed enough (but the stage make up might hide it).
