Tuesday, February 12, 2008

No County GOP Meeting Again This Month.....

I don't want to whine again, but.......... I went to Horne's Restaurant to attend the usual Florence County GOP meeting last night. I had a feeling that there would be no meeting, because I didn't get a reminder card, like I usually do - but I went anyway. No one was there.
For those keeping score, we also had no meeting in June. And July. And August. And November. That's five cancelled or non-scheduled meetings in the past nine months. We've been closed more than we've been open. It was either Vince Lombardi (or Keanu Reeves) who said that 90% of winning is showing up, and it's true. It's hard to be motivated when we're sitting on out butts all the time.
Yeah, maybe a lot of us are 'politicked-out' from last month's race. But, there are alot of people that I don't want to bother at home to talk about the race. I'd tell Dean Fowler that he looked good on TV standing behind John McCain at the airport. I'd talk to Lynn Robb about Mike Huckabee staying in the race (which I do support). Lastly, I'd tell Mary Tepper that Mitt Romney ran a good race, thanks to great supporters like her. Guess I'll tell them next month.
There are lots of local races to get ready for too. Three GOP County Councilmen need to hold serve this year - no easy feat. One will have a Primary contender too. Sheriff Kenney Boone has the fight of his life in 2008 also. We don't need to thank him for switching parties by doing nothing. I can change what happens tomorrow, but yesterday is gone, and soon it will be tomorrow - as in Election Day. Those days go by fast.....


  1. Anonymous9:18 PM

    You need to take over that club but just in case you need a fix Clarendon GOP will meet Thursday the day after tomorrow Valentines at The Palms at Wyboo and you are most welcome. I will be in Houston so I will not be able to attend. Come on down.

  2. I saw the menu The Palms will be having on Valentine's Day, and I don't think I can afford it !

  3. Anonymous11:07 AM

    At least you don't have the Berkeley scandals rolling along.

  4. Anonymous11:16 AM

    You can still get a Palms Burger with Beer for last than ten bucks.

  5. Funds are still a bit low to travel to Clarendon,Moye - it'll be Beenie Weenie at home Thurs. night.

  6. Anonymous7:48 PM

    candle light i hope

  7. I think my roomie might get a bit scared if I put out some candles out..
