Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Obama Noses Ahead of Hillary...

"I Got Your Ass Now, Biotch !!!"
After yesterday's sweep of the Chesapeake primaries, Barack Obama no leads in the delegate total for the first time since Iowa, also known as Opening Day. If Hillary Clinton isn't pooping a big , sideways brick right now, she is clearly disillusioned. The Clinton Camp is in serious trouble, just like we called after South Carolina.
The numbers in SC told us a lot that foretold this. Obama pulled the black vote in overwhelming numbers for sure, but he was pulling the younger vote - regardless of race or sex. Secondly, it looks like I was right in predicting that John Edwards dropping out would benefit Obama, not Clinton. Looks like the 'Agent of Change' theory worked better than race. In this year, if you ain't a white lady over 30, you're not in Hillary's wheelhouse....
Now, Hillary has drawn a line in the sand in that great bastion of the Democratic Party - Texas. It is as desparate as it sounds. Hillary has put all her trust in the Latino vote in the hopes that Obama can't crack them like he has every other group in the past two months. Good Luck! If I were Hillary, I'd set up my campaign headquarters at The Alamo.
Political races are ones of momentum, and Big Mo is definitely with the Obama Camp. You don't usually get it back once you lose it during the primaries. McCain was lucky enough to lose momentum before the races actually started. We are now in full swing, and Clinton , who was watching Obama in her rearview mirror so far, now has to read his bumper sticker..


  1. Anonymous7:46 PM

    dont you just love a divided party

  2. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Check the distribution of O-Bama bumperstickers. Other than the obdurately bolshevik/menshevik crowd in old VW Beetles, aging Civics and clunkers, they're all on the high dollar wheels, not to the projeks.

    Hill still had to overcome the O-prah factor that is sinking her in the 30+ soccer mom category, maybe an Ellen Degeneris endorsement would sway some of the LUG crowd, but I suspect Rosie's got "Jungle Fever"

  3. That is quite true, Rhino. No Obama stickers on an old Caddy or Dodge Intrepid family trucksters yet..

    The divided party theory has yet to be played out yet. If Obama wins, the Hillary clan will most come over I think. If Hillary wins, we will hear from a lot of 'disenfranchised voters' who think the system screwed them over again.
