Monday, February 11, 2008

Think Your Commute Stinks? Try Living In These Cities.

For all that Florence may lack - no sports franchises, not a decent club in sight, the same ten restaurants - it has one thing that other places don't have. No traffic. My average commute in the eleven years I've been here is about eight minutes. Compared to what some people have, we're pretty lucky.
Think that traffic jam on I-26 from 526 to the 17 Bypass in Summerville is bad? Try living in Baltimore. Or New York or LA. Cities like these are measured not in miles per hour, but hours per mile. To avoid the crappy schools, crime and excessive housing prices, workers are sometimes forced to move over 90 minutes away from their jobs. And it's not just the major cities... Smaller cities like Riverside, California have one in twenty workers drive over 90 minutes each way to commute. Crazy !!
Yeah, maybe old Flotown isn't the most exciting place to live... But, at least I don't have to wake up at 430 AM to get to work by 800 - or get home at 900PM.


  1. Anonymous10:08 PM

    i know people who work in LA and drive 3 hours

  2. Anonymous11:17 AM

    people in LA are responsible for global warming... they keep funding Algor.
