Here's Why the 6th Congressional District Looks Like the Michelin Man....
Since I was accused by an anonymous fuckstick of stealing blog posts from other people, here is my disclaimer. I did not research this... I found this out by listening to POTUS 08 on XM Radio. I work. I don't have time to 'make news' - I am just a source that passes on information that I learn, hear and read. Even the best blogger can't put up 1000 posts solely on research alone. On to the lesson...
On February 12th 1812, the Governor of Massachusetts redistricted his state in order to maximize his party's advantage in seats. Many pundits complained about the redistricting, and a local newspaper noted that one of the districts resembled a certain lizard. Eventually, one of the papers combined the Governor's name and the lizard to give us a term we use all the time today. The Governor was named Gerry and the lizard was a salamander - thus the term "Gerrymandering" was born this day, nearly 200 years ago. If you want to update the term, you can call it "Clyburn-Michelin Manning".....
do not let that jerk bother you. then again it may be someone closer than you think. not me of course. you should give yourself more credit man.
ReplyDeleteI'm just tired - been working a lot lately - for very little money. Just blowing off some steam tonight. By the way... WTF is Chumley??
ReplyDeleteWasn't Chumley the walrus in Tennesee Tuxedo?
ReplyDeleteApparently so... Maybe I look like Carlton from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, or a Klingon, but Craig Stadler looks like a walrus, not me - I never wear hats like Chumley's.
ReplyDeleteno harm intended but you said it you may favor carlton a little
ReplyDeleteNo doubt about it, I am Carlton's twin !
ReplyDeleteSo back to why does the 6th look like a walking ribbed condom...
ReplyDeleteThe 6th Congressional District - Ribbed, for Jim's pleasure...
ReplyDeleteUmmmm Mike, are you implying that Jim's stump-broke?