Sunday, February 17, 2008

Voting for Hillary: Another Sign That You're Dumber Than Most People Are..

As we get further into the Primaries, it's interesting to see the data that comes out of all the votes. Now, I've always said that if you vote for Hillary, you must be crazy or stupid, but there appears to be proof of it....
While previous election have brought up groups like Soccer Mom, NASCAR Dads, and Generation X and Y, there appears to be a focus group that Hillary attracts - Stupid People. The general results of all the data is showing that those who are voting for Hillary are less educated and poorer than literally every other candidate - even Barack Obama. Sure, Obama is getting all the kids, who are generally pretty poor due to inflate student loan bills, but he has that upper income group pulling for him as well. Another sign that high income doesn't necessarily mean high intelligence.
Why is this? My guess is that Hillary is representative of that Old School - Nanny State Democratic Party. The idea that says "You ARE stupid, so just leave it all to us, and make sure you vote for me again in 2-6 years. But, for God's sake - DON'T THINK !" Any other ideas? I can't wait for a West Rhino opinion on this one.........


  1. Anonymous7:15 PM

    well, i see somebody felt well enough to blog on Sunday while his roomate was helping me move a load of furniture!!! hmmmmm...i smell conspiracy!

  2. Anonymous1:52 PM

    No moye, Hillary may swallow, but Monica... I digress though.

    Hill and Obama both follow the Government FOR the people half of a notion of deomcracy of government by the people and government for the people. To the T shirt, it worked for Hitler, Genghis Kahn, Joe Stalin et al. It was understood well by Lenin who took Religion as the "opiate of the masses" that kept them from being good party members as it is prone to make Democrats really uncomfortable with ther platform.

    Consider stupid people in large groups were conned into shouting "give us Barabbas", though it did fulfill prophecy.

    Take into consideration that many imigres to Israel have had to have a period of adjustment to making decisions, especially the Russians that were escaping teh totalitarian Soviet state.
