Friday, February 15, 2008

Why You Don't Stop Taking Your Meds...

We had another shooting at a college this week, and word is that it was from a troubled student who stopped taking his meds. Now, I'm not the world's authority, but I can tell you a lot about meds for problems like these.

I've heard a lot about the opinion that taking antidepressants can cause you to attempt suicide. This might be the biggest pile of crap I've ever heard. The drugs don't make you try to kill yourself - they just didn't work. The person on antidepressants is depressed, so the kernel of what makes you want to die is already there. The drug doesn't enhance it, it just might not eliminate it enough for full success. Quitting them is another story....

Ever try to quit smoking, or coffee. If I go two days without a Pepsi, I get headaches. Stopping your meds is way, way worse. Your brain goes haywire, you can't think straight, your thoughts race, and you can't control your emotions at all. Tom Cruise is an idiot..... If I didn't take my Effexor, i wouldn't be able to hold down a job, or probably even leave the house or talk to women. Some of us don't tick the same as everyone else. The worst thing you can do is stop taking the one thing that probably helps.

That being said, you can't blame him skipping his meds exclusively. He only stopped recently, and there are other signs that this was planned long before. He bought the guns legally months ago, so this was something he had been thinking about for some time. Like most events like this, there is no magic bullet that can singularly explain or solve it. We'd all like to say 'if we just did this or that' , but .......



  1. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Well Mike, let me take another tangent, not far off the currnet attempt to deny Veterans (YES DANG IT, VETERANS) their Second amendment right to keep and bear arms. The perp was taking an antidpressant, that either IS or IS NOT a psychiatric medicine, not just a little pregnant but binary in logic 1 or 0. Expect the Brady folks to help the Hillary Care/Big Brother info system to demand to have available to any authroity that reviews applications to buy firearms information as to wheter or not you've ever, repeat EVER had a prescription for psychiatric meds... RITALIN, as Dylan Klebold and his partner were reputed to have been taking under prescription perhaps even aspirin, if a Psychiatrist (specifically) told you to take for a headache. Add to that, probably demanding that, upon your application to buy a firearm, if you've not continued to have your prescription filled, that you be flagged to be followed up on more closely than a suspected Al Queda operative. Beyond that, as one (San Fran Nan) version of a recent insult to our vets, that if you EVER had a psychiatric evaluation, regardless of diagnosis, you would be subject to unconstitutional denial of the government bestowed boon of being allowed to buy a firearm.

    Jumping off to the probable campaign rhetoric, "If only Hillary/Obama/McCain-care were in place, he could have had his antidepressants... BRAVO SIERRA. He had enough money to buy the shotgun, the pistols and ammunition; he had the funds to buy Prozac or other antidepressant. What exactly were the antidepressants side effects and (for John Edwards) how liable (in terms of maggoty lawyer's shares) is the drug manufacturer for wrongful death and injury?

  2. Anonymous4:14 PM

    what a shame

  3. Anonymous4:15 PM

    what a shame

  4. Anonymous5:59 PM

    i don't believe that our founding fathers were able to foresee automatic weapons when the second amendment was drafted. times change and our laws need to change with them. it has nothing to do with the right to kjeep and bear arms. it has to do with having some damn common sense!
