Sunday, March 09, 2008

Casting My Net In Uncharted Waters....

I want to chat about something that I really wish I didn't have to, but these things in life happen. All of you know about Ms. X.. Well, it's been about three months since I've seen or heard from her. There were things she needed to straighten out for herself, and from all indications, she has done that. For that, I'm very happy and proud of her. Above all, Ms. X was a super friend - one who I was natural at talking with, and someone who talked a lot about things going on in her life..

The trouble is that I was always the third wheel in her personal life. People she cares a lot about - more than me - haven't been thrilled with our relationship, and for that, I am paying the price. You have to make choices in life, and although I have no doubt Ms. X would like to keep in touch, there are priorities she's had to make. Faced with that, it's time for me to make choices too.

I've been sitting on the sidelines , waiting to see how things turn out, and to give time that she asked for. I wasn't asked to sit and wait - it was my own choice. But I thought that I would be able to at least keep in touch here. Guess I was wrong on that. Since there has been no contact for so long, the time has come to at least look around a bit. It's not my first choice, but rarely do we get all we want in life.

For the past three months, I've prayed to God that she would get school straight, and maybe she'd come back, but mostly I prayed that she would be happy. I miss my Princess, and I would like nothing more than to see my buddy here once again. Maybe I will, maybe not. The door is always open, but I'm getting old, and the time has come to at least try and see what's out there.



  1. Anonymous2:44 PM

    We all feel your pain and we have all been down that road before and some again and again. It is always easy to say let it go when you are the one not hurting.

  2. Thanks, Moye. The writing's been on the wall for some time now, but I had to take it slow to cushion the disappointment. I'm cool about it.

  3. Anonymous1:43 PM

    It draws a vacuum and not in a nice way. Ditto moye's notes, easier to say you'll get over it when it sin't your own soul that has seen a piece of your heart torn out, though I suspect you have a piece of hers it its stead, as, reading between what's been posted here, it wasn't easy for her either.

    Now for a large contribution, we hear that your name could be slipped into the Dem's super delegate list and Chelsea could come knocking. ;-)

  4. Anonymous10:48 PM

    wow...did you take a board to the head like Chris Farley in Tommy Boy??? Glad to hear that you're moving on!!! over here, party over there. I do believe that things are looking up for you and proud of you, insert Christopher Walken accent
    here---> my little wildflower... for hanging in there through all of that shit in '07! more cowbell in '08!!!!

  5. Thanks Bobbo. Rhino, if I poked Chelsea, I don't think Moye would ever speak to me again!

  6. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Mike, if you porked Chelsea, you'd try like a now former NY governor to keep it from getting out.

  7. No way, Rhino. I want a piece of that Defense Fund money !! I'd milk it for all it was worth, although I'd probably end up like Vince Foster..

  8. Anonymous8:25 PM

    you may end up like vince foster anyway
