Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Ed Robinson Goes to Jail..... Again !

Ed, In a Rare Picture Not Involving a Lineup.....
Bad news travels fast.. Our favorite Florence City Councilman, Ed Robinson, got thrown in the clink again this week. It seems that Ed was driving in town without a license - odd considering he owns a driving school - when he ran a red light. The whole thing was caught on the police cam, and it was on the Florence Morning News website earlier today - but alas, it's gone now.
Ed is a real firebrand. He gets in trouble alot, he often blames his troubles on racism, and he never apologizes for his behavior - and the voters in his district love it. Thanks to voter apathy, the 300 or so supporters he has manage to re-elect him every four years. Sure, they could find a better representative, but they don't want one. Good for them...
You might think that I'd join in with the 40 odd comments about Ed that ripped him a new a-hole, but i disagree. Ed is great. Ed is interesting. You can always count on Ed - to get in trouble. Sure, he's an embarrasment to Florence, but if his neighbors don't care, why should I? I've done my part to make local politics less dull, but I only have so much bail money. It seems Ed has a bigger budget, and more importantly, an unending desire to be dumb. Ed is Florence in a nutshell - loud enough to make noise, not smart enough to fix the problem. I say, leave him in...


  1. Anonymous6:47 PM

    sounds like a typical democrat to me

  2. Anonymous8:11 PM

    can i copy this and send it to the editorial at the morning news???

  3. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Let me guess, super delegate committed to Hillary?
