Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Even in Japan, Obama Is a Big Deal..

That's Not a Flattering Picture, But Barack Will Take It..
So, you think only America has a Big Jones for Barack Obama?? Think again. Apparently, Obama is one of those names that translates into multiple languages. Reino is the same way - Finland, Germany, Italy, Spain, Mexico and Japan have Reino's flying all over the place.
Anyway, there is a city in Japan called Obama, which means "Liberal Studmuffin"...... Just kidding, it means 'small beach'. Well, the residents of Obama are all apeshit over Barack. Don't believe me? Here's the YouTube clip of Obamamania, Japanese Style....
Obama has even sent the city a letter of thanks for their support during the campaign. He has also registered 2 million voters in Japan for the Pennsylvania Primary next month.... Wonder how much folks up in Clinton, SC like Hillary.......


  1. Anonymous11:21 PM

    what does a reino flag look like

  2. Anonymous10:32 AM

    One gets the impression that Pennsy's subtle racism will be played as Ohio's was, Hillary wins the state, but Obama keeps the lead in delegates. $oro$ money may figure in, but that will probably find another vicious counter from Hillary, because its her turn.
