Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Here's Something Earl Would Like.. I Think.

I almost had nothing to chat about today, so I was only going to post this, but I got lucky. I was watching VH1 Classic - the greatest channel ever invented - last night. They had the VH1 Def Leppard movie , and a step by step story on the making of their "Hysteria" album. My sophomore year at ECU, that's about all I watched... Back when MTV showed videos, and had good game shows. But, I digress........
A very important part of life is to learn something everyday. Whether it be a fact, a part of your job, or even trivia, you should learn something - ANYTHING !! So, here is what I learned last night.....
Steve Clark drank - a lot.
Rick Allen wasn't a very good driver. If you can't beat a Jaguar in a Corvette, you suck as a driver.
That's about it. Hey, I learned something.... Here's a classic video of Def Leppard.....


  1. Anonymous8:42 PM

    they had their day

  2. Anonymous10:45 PM

    Def is coming to GSO next week...another concert I will have to miss!
    (grumbling)I heard Bon Jovi was excellent on Sunday

  3. Hey Sis, any truth to the rumor that Jon Bon Jovi is dumping his wife for you???

  4. Anonymous10:15 PM

    that song needs more cowbell!
