Saturday, March 08, 2008

Is Hillary a Monster, or Just a Monstrosity??

Hillary Clinton: Godzilla, or God Awful ??

I have a real breakthrough for you guys today.... Sometimes, politics is real stupid. Pretty earth-shattering, I know. If you don't believe me, just think about the whole mess involving one of Barack Obama's advisors this week.

To be brief about it, an economic advisor referred to Hillary Clinton as 'a Monster'. She said it off the record, but the magazine in Scotland decided that off the record meant it's okay to print it. Well, since the Clinton Camp had to drop an advisor or two for saying dumb things about Obama, the advisor was asked to quit too. Quid Pro Quo or Tit for Tat - call it what you want.

My question is: was it really that big of an insult? Did she mean monster in terms of being ugly and mean, or was it a bit of a compliment... We often call strong and powerful things a 'Monster'. Now, that time that Newt Gingrich's mom told Connie Chung that he called her a bitch.... uh, that's an insult. No two ways about that.....
My guess is that Hillary didn't give a crap about it, but her team, who isn't going to let anything get by, make a big stink about it. Okay, you both lost an advisor, now let it go. Until the next fight comes around...


  1. Anonymous11:23 PM

    If the situations were reversed, I have doubts that HIllary would fire an advisor for cheapshots at Obama. FWIW, Obama's campaign has earned an iota of respect from me, over Clinton's; but a femtogram difference is not appreciable.

  2. Anonymous10:50 PM

    all, well, most republicans are oblivious!

  3. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Naah, Bobby, most Republicans agree with Newt, but they know, that although it is old news, because they are Republicans, they are a new source of this insult.

    We now have a Geraldine Ferrarro dissing an uppity N-word for riding the party's affirmative action passing lane to be the darling that it is HIllary's turn to be. For the obdurate narcissists, they will demand giving Ferrarro a pass, though an Obama staffer's quip was far less damaging.

    Obama has a vision, the Clinton's have an obsession.

  4. Anonymous9:36 PM

    thats why i voted Obama
