Saturday, March 01, 2008

Kenyan Leaders to Team Hillary: You Have Insulted Us, and We Want Cows !!

I missed the chance to talk about the Barack Obama in the turban in a timely manner this week.. But luckily, this story hasn't quite gone away yet. Although it hasn't been proven, most of the blame for the pictures being released is falling on Hillary Clinton's camp. It has even gotten back to Kenya, where the local trial elders heard about it, and they have a way to work it out... They want cows.

Yep, that's their solution. The Kenyans feel that the whole brunt of blame falls on Hillary for releasing the pictures. That being the case, to make up for the insult, they Kenyans are demanding that Hillary give them cows. Personally, i would demand Chelsea, but I'm kinda funny that way.

Actually, the whole turban flap is stupid. Leaders often wear local garb to keep from insulting their hosts, but when your name is Barack Hussein Obama, it puts more of a target on your back for it. Silly as it is, some people may actually be turned off by it, so it may work a bit in the end...

Obama in the turban reminded me of a couple people.....

First, we have Haji, from the old Jonny Quest cartoon...
Secondly, who can forget this...


  1. Anonymous6:36 PM

    heres your cow

  2. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Cows are one big sign of wealth in Kenya, to the point that cattle rustling is old ethnic custom and continues today with AK-47s a plenty along the Ugandan border, arms flow probalby proped up by Islamofascists hoping to seed future territory to be fertile for recruiting.

    Cows in mind, could we put a noew ring in Hill and present her to the tribal council?
