Saturday, March 15, 2008

SC6 Endorses Moye Graham for 6th District Convention Representative..

Yes, That Is an Actual Photo of Moye....
We here at SC6 would like to take a minute here to endorse a good buddy of our blog. Next weekend, the GOP will have it's 6th Congressional District Convention at that bastion of Republicanism - Orangeburg Wilkinson High School on March 22nd. We ask those of you who live in the 6th District to take a few hours from your Easter weekend, come on out, and help pick your leaders. One of them to pick is Moye Graham.
Moye is one of the hardest working guys within the GOP that I know. He does alot of travelling during the week, but he still manages to have a great GOP resume'... First Vice Chair of the Clarendon GOP, member of the RNC, NRSC and too many other posts to mention. He has the endorsement of people serving in the GOP from the local and county level, all the way to SC Secretary of State Mark Hammond. And he has mine too. How does Moye pull this off ? Superhuman powers.......
Yes, it takes superpowers to be able to work so hard , and still be able to handle the workload that the 6th District National Committeeman requires. No problem for Moye. Here are a few facts to consider....
Chuck Norris Is Afraid of Moye Graham.
Moye is NOT related to Lindsey.
Moye can bend, melt or cut thru steel by staring at it.
Moye doesn't fly to his work - the plane rides him.
Greeleyville will change it's name to Graham as soon as Moye lets them.
Clemson calls themselves the Tigers after Moye's ferocity in politics.
Chicks dig Moye.
Oh, there's more - but times constraints are tight. I would like to add one personal comment. One of the other candidates is the Lt. Governor. Nothing against Andre Bauer, but he's not from the 6th District, he doesn't work at the grassroots level in the 6th District, and the job should fall to a person who is at that level working up, not from the top looking down. We need two people whose Job 1 is the 6th District, not overseeing the Senate and the entire state, then the 6th District. Maybe they think it's an easy seat, but I can find two other people I'd pick first. I'm off my stump.


  1. We at the Blogland are proud to support him.

    He doesn't tire or show mercy, doesn't know fear or pity. He cannot be reasoned with. He cannot be stopped.

    You can only endorse him, and pray he'll let the Democrats live.

    He is Moye Graham - the Delegatenator.

  2. Thanks, Earl. i thought I went a bit overboard. i like it a lot.

  3. Anonymous12:55 PM

    Thanks Mike and Earl for your kind words. Owe you a beer.

  4. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Doesn't Andre draw a "superdelegate" bye from the Staid convention (a la Flimsey Graham, Mark Sanford, Bob Inglis, Henry McMaster)?

    Also when did Andre move into the 6th CD? Is that based on his house in downtown Charleston?

    Nothing against Andre, but having to snag a delegate seat from a district convention seems a bit odd.

  5. Anonymous10:41 PM

    so is Andre going to accept his delegate spot or run at the state convention like he said
