Friday, March 14, 2008

They're Trying Already... House Passes Bill to Raise Taxes on Millions of Americans.

Quick, Send Tax Dollars to Washington - Nancy Needs More Surgery !!
Often we say that the founding fathers were just average businessmen and farmers, but times like yesterday prove that they were brilliant. What am i talking about? I'll get to it in a minute....
Maybe you didn't hear about it - mainly because a lot of media outlets didn't mention it - MSN ???? The House of Representatives passed a bill that raises taxes to millions of citizens. The goal is to get the Federal Government into the black again in five years. That's a nice objective, but why must they always solve financila difficulties by raising taxes? Could they once cut spending? Wait, I forgot. These are the people who call lowering the annual welfare increase from 7.7% to 7.5% " a cut". Big government strikes again.
I suppose I could go on a lengthy diatribe on DC again, or the Democrats (and some Republicans) and how they love to make the world more dependent on Washington everyday. However, I've matured a bit. I don't go crazy about these things anymore - at least not this year. The founding fathers have saved us once again by instilling checks and balances to save America from it's 'leaders'... Luckily, President Bush, who forgot for a long time what a veto pen looked like, will no doubt kick this piece of crap back down The Hill. Next year? That's another story....


  1. Anonymous1:27 PM

    i wish he would veto the gop spending also

  2. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Perhaps, based on subtle innuendo from the Nader camp, Nan needs the blood of Islamic and Christian babies to drink and bathe in.

    After all, Nader says the Dems have sold out to the Zionist entity and Hamas and Hizboulla claim that the Jews and their associates feast on the flesh and blood of babies...

    In the face of theories like that, maybe Bill didn't... have sex... with that woman...Monica Lewinski

    I'm getting my tinfoil hat to shield me from Algore and his drones that wnat to brand me wiht the mark of the beast
