Saturday, April 26, 2008

Kids Fighting to the Death For Candy? It's Must Be the Striped Bass Festival !

Greetings from downtown Manning, SC !! I just got back from my third Striped Bass Festival Parade. The weather was pretty nice (just a tad warm), and the place was PACKED with people. At the end of the parade, the crowd was 5 or 6 people deep. Not bad for a local parade.

I came down with 6th District Chair Tommy Grimes, and Tom was a busy guy today. On the parade, we drove with Moye and Bobby and Jean-Claire Gibbons. About halfway through, we saw SC Legislature candidate Britton Pruett, who had already gone through once. So, we threw her in, slapped the car magnet on the side, and whammo! She took a second trip. No one said politics was fair.......

The funniest part of the day had to be the Obama booth. Apparently, the kids at Manning High School were asked to volunteer at the Festival. What a lot of them didn't know was that they would be working at Barack Obama's booth. Many left, and some parents wouldn't even let their kids work there. It would be interesting to see who's idea this was, and what relation they have to the campaign. I was going to get volunteers from the local Senior Center to work for John McCain, but I was overruled. Here's some pics..

Green Dragons are cool....

Someone is holding The Pig against his will....

Nice float from Manning High..

My best pic - the crowd in front of the Courthouse...

Britton Pruett, on the campaign trail...

The most dangerous gang in Clarendon County !!



  1. Anonymous10:29 AM

    We are so glad you came man. Next year we will have a pickup with a chair for you. We may even buy you lunch. Thanks again.

  2. My pleasure. You guys owe me a deep fried Snickers bar next year.. ;)

  3. Anonymous1:42 PM

    from looking at those pictures, i believe the piggly wiggly mascot will be charged for some sort of crime against children.

  4. Lying to teenagers and using government resources (public schools) to benefit a political campaign - now THAT is Change We Can Believe In!

  5. The kids were safe. You can see The Pig's arms are bungie corded to the truck...

    Earl, it's a valuable lesson to our kids.. You're gonna get stuck doig stuff that you object to, and if you don't help Obama, you may be a bigoted, bad person.

  6. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I will certainly get you a deeped fried snicker bar I want one myself. I ate at D & H when I got back up town the tent was down and it was pouring thought I was going to see Earl but we lost contact with each other so I went to Wyboo. You should had been on the boat with us today. Had our favorite candidate Britton with me and it was a big crowd. We got back in time for you to have drove to Hilton Head and been back home before dark. It is always a pleasure to see our Vice Chairman come on down anytime.

  7. Anonymous7:11 PM

    one more thing man I know that the Gibbons, Brailsfords, Ms. Pruett, the Binghams, Hoyts and others will view this article if they have not already

  8. sorry i missed you there moye. maybe another time.

  9. Anonymous9:25 AM

    you got it Earl and the BBQ will be on me

  10. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Mike thanks for letting me steal your seat in the car on my second "go round". I enjoyed meeting with you and taking a stroll around the festivities! Your blog is very informative and funny. And when everyone gets together next year for the parade, I hope to be there as well. Thanks and I look forward to seeing you soon!!

  11. Thanks Britton, it was great meeting you too. Good luck on the campaign, and I'll see you on the road.

  12. Mike, Thanks for the nice write-up and pictures. I'm sorry I had to miss this year. It was good to see such a large representation of Sixth District and Clarendon County Republicans. Unlike "anonymous" we aren't too embarrassed to identify ourselves.
    Heaven help us if Obama is elected.
    June Brailsford

  13. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Yep anonymous 4:21 I am a W fan because of people like him you can still post any comment you like. Now stupid I ain't it is all just a game man calm down before I have Mike spank you.

  14. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Wow looks like someone can't handle the heat.. perhaps they should excuse themselves from the kitchen... It always makes smile when someone cannot take criticism but be so quick to spout it.
