Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Nancy Harrelson, You Are One Lucky Lady !!

Jim, Permanently Immortalized..... In a Golf Outfit .
Alright, the filing period is now over !!! Your two weeks are up to run for office, and there are some neat surprises in the 6th District and Florence County. Here's a quick recap....
Florence GOP Seats are Safe !
After twice taking on Florence County Treasurer and overall Godsend Dean Fowler, the Democrats have finally realized what we all know.... Dean is the best public servant bar none in the county, and they have faile to find a candidate to run against him. Good for Dean. Four years ago, they couldn't win on talent, so they tried to smear him instead. Pretty ballsy, considering the crook they had in there before him.
Meanwhile, Councilmen Ken Ard and Morris Anderson will also have free passes for another 4 years. I was worried that Doc Anderson would have a challenge in the primary, but it didn't materialize. Ken is safe in that seat for as long as he wants it. Unfortunately, we didn't put up a challenger to either Johhnie Rodgers or Mitchell Kirby , two of the weakest, alligator-armed people on County Council.
Of course, the monster race is Sheriff. Kenney Boone switched parties, and will run as a Republican vs. former Sheriff Jimmy Gregg. Kenney has a tough road against the Old School establishment, so we all need to help him out.
New 6th District Candidate.... Finally.
In a bit of a surprise to me, the Gary McLeod Era as the GOP candidate in the 6th District is over. Nancy Harrelson of Marion was the only person to file to run against Jim Clyburn. I thought Gary would run until he died, and maybe even after that, but he has decided to skip this year. I thought Gary was in poor health for the past few years, so I suppose this was no surprise. My best wishes for Gary to get better, and for him to be back and bust my chops soon !!
In all honesty, I am very jealous of Harrelson. Beating Gary was no easy matter, and she probably would have found that out in June. But, she now has a free ticket to November. I busted my tail for 3 years to try and win. I hope she realizes how lucky she is, and that she uses this time to set up a winning game plan for November. This includes politicking in the right places, and coming up with SPECIFIC plans on the Economy, Social Security, Medicare , Immigration and the mortgage crisis. The last thing we need is to have an opportunity to be heard, and to waste it by discussing 'Family Values'. Jim may not be a good Congressman, but he has an excellent reputation as a Christian, so don't waste your time on it....
That's it here locally. I was sorry to not see Dickie Jones take on Phil Leventis again after losing by only 35 votes in '04. Any news in your neighborhood? Post it here....


  1. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Sitting here in my hotel looking out over Lake Pontchartrain fixing to go down to Cafe Du Monde for a cup of cafe au lait and beignets. Later to the Casino. Thinking about gambling made me think politics. You know Murrell Smith has decided to run for reelection from Clarendon/Sumter in the House and we have a candidate in Britton Pruett for the House in Clarendon/Williamsburg. The seat now occupied by Ms. Harvin of Summerton. We need to work hard for our two House candidates in Clarendon for sure.

  2. Anonymous3:12 PM

    I thought those jockey statues were so passe as to be politically incorrect, even if they're holding a golf club...

  3. Truth be known, my dad is about the size of a lawn jockey.. I find it odd that Jim would rather be immortalized as a golfer than a congressman.

  4. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Well see if Nancy Harrelson stands against big government programs like reprocessing, which would dump spent nuclear fuel and plutonium on South Carolina. To learn more, attend a May 30 forum in Columbia:

  5. Anonymous2:56 PM

    There is someone running against Mitchell Kirby in November for the Florence County Council District 4 seat. Her name is Betty Dowling - a resident of Timmonsville for 39 years. She currently serves as Vice-Chair of the Florence County District Four School Board. To learn more about her check out her blog at: http://bettydowling.blogspot.com

  6. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Florence County Needs Sheriff Boone. We now have a true Crime Fighter and the statistics show he and his deputies are working hard!
