Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk...Which Candidate Looked Less Stooge-Like With Petraeus and Crocker.

While we all yawned a bit the last two days over the testimony between Congress and Gen. David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker, the real story was seeing if the three presidential candidates took advantage of the opportunity to 'look presidential'. It was clear to me that no one stood out on top, and also that the campaigning may be taking it's toll on them....
No, I haven't watched all the testimony - neither have you, so don't give me any grief !! I'll give a short synapsis of how they looked and how effective each was.
John McCain
Yes, he flubbed the Sunni/Shia thing again, but candidates mess that up all the time, along with accidentally saying Iran/Iraq (see below). Most commentators don't make much of an issue of it, with the exception of the big, friggin crybaby Keith Olbermann. I'll get back to him another time....
Flub aside, McCain seemed to be focused and knowledgable - tht is, until he skipped out early. John, John, John...... This was the biggest event in DC this year, and you leave?? Then you went to that Veterans event with the putz who slid you right back into the "John McCain is a racist" smear campaign. Rule of thumb: If the guy next to you mentions Tiger Woods , Obama, Oprah or Martin Luther King, and the words preceding aren't 'great', 'fantastic' or anything else in the superlative, be prepared to take a step back and apologize....
Barack Obama
From what I saw, Obama went with a solid line of questioning. He didn't pepper Pertaeus and Crocker with "when are we getting out" questions, over and over again.... I don't know means I don't know. He did look a bit tired. He usually sits erect, and yesterday he was slouched to his side like he was hanging at the bar. He didn't make an ass out of himself - although he did refer to Iran as Iraq in supporting Al-Qaeda. Iraq are the good guys, Barack. Anyway, he was okay. Much better than.............
Hillary Clinton
The junior Senator from New York via DC, via Arkansas , via Illinois looked and sounded like absolute shit yesterday. She even looked bad on radio, and Bobby will tell you, that takes some doing! But, you can only do so much with what she's sporting.....
Looks aside, Clinton, along with Joe Biden, made the single most arrogant and stupid comment of the day. Clinton asked Crocker about the chances of Iraq reaching the political benchmarks - their major concern for the past year. Then she asked why any agreements in the Iraqi Parliament would not be reviewed by Congress. "The American people would want to know why Congress would not be authorized to approve this." Uh, Hillary, for starters, the American people don't give a rat's patoot what kind of peace Iraq makes, as long a s it is made, and we can leave it.... Secondly, the American people don't trust you at all, lest you forget Congress' approval rating - slightly below the Mendoza Line.
Now, for the part of your comment that really matters. Congress and the Executive Branch do not need to take any part in the Iraqi Parliament reaching the peace process. If they can negotaiate to help them get closer, fine. However, if an accord is reached, the last thing we need is a congressional rubber stamp on it. All that does is add another jerk to destroy the opportunity to make a lasting peace in Iraq. In short, if the Iraqi Parliament can find peace by permanently telling the US to screw off, and name Mickey Mouse Prime Minister, i say more power to them. If it gets them to stop killing each other, and we can leave, then Hillary and Biden can stick it. The amount of good that comes of any lasting peace will far outweigh any nuggets of bad that Congress would need to re-negotiate . Hillary, stick to villages and children..... Nyuk, nyuk !!


  1. Anonymous11:05 PM

    Hillary and Barack will continue to sound like 1968 weasels sniveling about who came out earlier on moratorium day against the war before losing out to Hubert Humphrey, who aptly lost to Dick Nixon.

    Nixon and Hillary's unethical behavior in her time at the House Judicial committee's counsel's office and discussed elsewhere at length, by her boss at the time, are an interesting issue that seems to be a swift boat about to overtake the carpetbagger's Walmart special grade Jon boat and swamp it. Alas, this is not the work of a vast right wing conspiracy, but an ethical life long Dem that has offered that she's not trustworthy, period.

    As to sticking to burning, looting, pillaging and raping villages and children, Mike, you don't want to see Hillary in the tribal garb, it's topless. It might be really excellent for you to visualize Ms. X wearing it, but for the love of Pete, NOT HILLARY! That could stirke you impotent.

  2. Anonymous12:54 PM

    got to love wr

  3. Believe me Rhino, the picture of Hillary in tribal garb never crossed my mind....
