Saturday, April 19, 2008

Obama Fatigue Sets In for Pennsylvanians...

Obama Fatigue: An overall sense of tiredness and malaise, due to overexposure of Barack Obama commercials...

The CDC has issued a bulletin of a localized epidemic..... Obama Fatigue has officially set in in Pennsylvania. Yes, thousands of prospective voters are vomiting, turning green and have a state of melancholy in the Keystone State. The cause? Long term exposure to Barack Obama commercials on local TV.

We know all about Obama Fatigue, or Romney Fatigue or John Edwards Fatigue, depending on what state you live in. After raising millions of dollars, campaigns buy literally ALL available airtime on local TV prior to a Primary or Caucus.. In South Carolina, we had a pretty annoying three weeks before our Primary. Well, in Pennsylvania, they've had to endure seven weeks of this crap - no wonder they're bitter !!!

Sure, Obama has the money for it, and the ads do work initially... But eventually, advertising hits a certain point that it just becomes blabber - and it looks like it is there. The flood of ads got him to close the gap, but with three days to go, it appears to be just wasting money at this time. Of course, there is no such thing as wasting money in politics - you can justify any spending....


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