Friday, April 04, 2008

SC6's Recurring Post, "Poverty Sucks" Continues On.

Lately, This Has Been an All Too Familiar Sight...
Excuse me today as I vent, but I feel like I am bottoming out a bit - kinda like the economy. I got back from Hilton Head, with a paycheck that I already knew was gone to cover my car payment that is three weeks overdue tonight. I went to my PO Box to get my mail, and I got a notice from my bank. The one that looks like the one page rejection letter you get from college. I knew exactly what it was.....
Everyone's favorite three letters...... NSF. Apparently, I took out $80 from the ATM after depositing $1150 30 seconds earlier. Well, that $80 caused two checks to bounce on the same day(how that happens I have no idea), one of which was a credit card bill that was over the limit due to the finance charge assessed. So, after it was over, I paid $121 in fees for $105 of charges. I called the bank to find out to see exactly what was left for this week. I have $17. I have no gas, no food, no laundry detergent, and empty gas tank, and I'm 175 miles from getting back to work. Tough day.....
My first bonus will be in soon, but I have to pay my car taxes (overdue) , and the tires that I already got last week. I haven't paid my half of the mortgage yet either. Next month, my best friend grwoing up is getting married, and I am not going because I can't afford the trip. Such is how things go when you don't work for six months. Sure, I'm making some headway, but it gets a bit frustrating when you drive three hours each way to work, work 50 hours and sleep on a couch all week, then end up with nothing each week. In short, i'm pretty tired of this, and it's affecting other things as well.....
In my attempt to move on since Ms. X had to part company with me, I've been going back and forth with a few women on MySpace, and one asked me out for drinks and gave me her phone number, but I had to put the brakes on meeting for awhile. Why? Because I'm broke. Very Sad. I've tried real hard to accept things with Ms. X being gone the past four months, when I know how she would like to be friends, but can't. I heard the song that made her think of me all the time today, and it reminded me of how well we got along. I'm not naturally the type of person who just switches gears with people like nothing happened, so not being able to move on even when I give it a real shot blows monkey dong...
No, it's not as bad as it was. I'm working at least, and all the dumb crap that I'm paying for now will end eventually. Guess I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself, and I miss my Princess - my little buddy... Chin up, right? Here's another pick me up tune. You know how I know I'm Gay? I listen to Coldplay....


  1. Hey, Mike, hang in there. It's always the darkest before the dawn.

  2. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Hey Mike hang in there. Its always darkest before the storm.

  3. I'll take Earl's version, Moye. Yours infers that it's going to get worse....

  4. Mike, if you need a hotel when you travel, I'll front you some of my travel points so your lodging will be free. Will that help any?

  5. Thanks Earl, but the trip to NY is going to be so outrageous that it's better to skip it, and exted the financial ruin even further.

  6. Anonymous9:46 PM

    I am in NYC right now and it is cold. Stay South.
