Thursday, April 24, 2008

Want to hang Out With Your Favorite Political Blogger? Then Come Out to the Striped Bass Festival In Manning This Saturday.

They Ain't Great Eating, But They Sure Are Pretty....
Want to do soemthign different this weekend? Go to a local festival. There's lots of food, plenty to do and see, and it's soemthing DIFFERENT !! I'll be down in Manning for the Striped Bass Festival this Saturday.
I'll be in the parade for the second time - my first was in 2005, when I went with Bobby ad Snoop, and I tossed out about 500 Mike Reino for Congress pens. I still have about 1000 left - you never know when I might need them again... Overall, I think is my third or fourth parade here.
Manning does it right. They have tractor pulls and mud bogs, boat flotillas, music and the festival, and it's stretched out all over the county. The weather is suppose to be pretty nice. The hottest and the coldest days I've spent in SC were both at the Striped Bass Festival, so 82 degrees and sunny should go over great.... Hope to see you there.


  1. Anonymous8:03 PM

    don't forget, you are due in Florence on Saturday evening for another get together!

  2. I'll be there. So, for those of you keping track, I'll also be at Dave & Vicky's in Flotown as they christen their new hot tub.

  3. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Gee, they could have held off a week and coincided with Seacoast Church's Manning campus opening...

    I'll probably to Chucktown's airshow after the Red Cross is through with me Saturday morning.

  4. Giving blood , Rhino? You're a great American.

  5. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Mike glad you could come be with us. That parade was big wasn't it.

  6. Anonymous6:53 PM

    By the way the Striped Bass is a pretty good fish to eat. Got to fix it right.

  7. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Not blood Mikey, platelets. I can give platelets far more frequently than I donate blood and still donate blood, though platelet donation takes longer... got to finally watch Johnny Nemonic while hooked up to the machine.

    Have an odd tanline on my elbows though and got to drool on some nice airplanes Saturday. I may have to start looking for a P-51 Mustang after I hit the Powerball.
