Monday, April 07, 2008

Who In Columbia Is Trying to Make My Life Hell?? Law to Limit Strippers Stopped In House Committee..

Look Like Mort and Fred Wouldn't Like This Bill Either...
We've dodged another bullet in Columbia again. Last year, it was a bill to make sales of dildos illegal. This year, someone in Columbia is trying to ruin my socail life. How? They're trying to set a minimum 6 foot distance between strippers and customers....
Yep, the law would make lap dances illegal, outlaw my favorite - giving the girl a neckrub, and make it amost impossible to even chat with the girls above the blaring music. No oubt , someone has it in for me, and all guys in general. Of course, i'm sure the bill was submitted by a fellow GOP member who's undies are about four sizes too tight.
Luckily, there are enough sensible people left in the State House to not let this bill even get out of committee, so it looks like I'm safe for now. I'm too lazy to research who had the bright idea to submit this bill, or to see how this guy screwed up with his wife to have to do this... We're all safe for now, but only through constant vigilance can we protect what is important - or in my case, almost necessary !!


  1. Anonymous9:39 PM

    You really need to go to Costa Rica with me sometime.

  2. Actually, it's been a good three months since I've been to the Trophy Club. I get my 90 Day Clean Coin next week !!
