Saturday, April 12, 2008

William Shatner: Thespian, Vocalist, Philanthropist. Bill Does a Promo Spot to End the Ringing in My Ears..

In our neverending battle to honor William Shatner, Earl and I have gone back and forth - and it's getting harder to find new stuff on Shat, but I managed to pull this one out. Bill Shatner - celebrity spokesman!!
Here is a spot for the Tinnitus Foundation. The what? Well, tinnitus is an illness that affects actors, musicians and regular people everywhere. It is a constant ringing in a person's ears from either constant noise, or a sudden shock , like what happened to Bill. He got it during a Star Trek episode, when he was too close to a special effects explosion. After that, I got too bored to listen.....
Thanks to all my rock' roll years, I've had tinnitus to vary degrees for about 15 years, so it really touched me on a personal basis. Okay, it didn't, but I did say "Hey, I have that too".

1 comment:

  1. Earl has already left me a message that he has an entire weeks worth of Shatner stuff ready. Like the clinton campaign, I can see the inevitable loss coming... but I will fight all the way to the Trekkie Convention if I have to !!
