Thursday, May 29, 2008

And You Thought I Hated Clyburn...

No, I don't like my Congressman. I've criticized, critiqued, cajoled, and even harassed him. It wouldn't surpise me if Clyburn had an FBI file made on me. Hell, one time, I even called him ugly. That MAY have been out of line. But, for all the vitriol I may have spewed over the past four years, I never crossed a line - at least not the one a guy in Scranton did recently.
Roger Osborne, 55, of Scranton was indicted on chrages of threatening to assault and murder a certain US Congressman. Osborne lives in the heart of the 6th District of SC, so you do the math... Apparently, the call made to a local paper (Morning News?) was taken pretty seriously, because Osborne has been charged with Federal crime, and can be sentenced with up to 10 years in Federal 'pound you in the ass' prison....
How much you want to bet the guy voted for me back in '04 ??


  1. Anonymous10:18 PM

    nancy just lost a vote or is he out on bond

  2. Not sure,but he better go absentee ballot before he gets convicted...

  3. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Let me guess, Osborne is one of those bitter gun totin' stereotyped straight white Christians...

    Do the math, the opposite happened on air in Charleston, a threat to behead Bush (W not GHWB) and got a slap on the wrist. Maybe there is a bit of selective prostitution, er prosecution at play here.
