Thursday, May 08, 2008

Attention Hillary and Barack... You Can Buy a Superdelegate's Vote for a Mere $20 Million....

Just like most people in politics, there is a guy in California who wants to sell his vote at the Democratic Convention. And you won't believe why.......
I knew all along the reason the supedelegates aren't committing - most of whom are Congressmen and Senators - are because they want to secure some type of favor of project from the one they endorse. Quid Pro Quo all the way , baby...
Well, there is a delegate in the Golden State that is willing to sell his vote for $20 Million bucks, all so he can use the money to register Mexicans to vote in California. If this isn't the dumbest idea I've ever heard, it's close.
This is a total waste of money. Whether all the Mexicans are registered or not, California will undoubtedly go the way of the Democrats, and all 50+ of their electoral votes will go with them. What good will adding an extra 100,000 Mexicans do for Obama or Clinton? Absolutely nothing.
Fortunately, neither camp or the DNC has shown any interest in this guy's offer, but it does give you an idea of the crookedness and lack of ethics that many of these superdelegates have in the Democratic camp. Shame on you, dude.


  1. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Nothing like the obdurate, arrogant chip on the soulder that says we're going to commmit voter fraud so FU! Suppose we hire INS to handle the voter regiatration drive or have a crew of Independant News Service (wearing caps with the initials) folks monitoring the registration sites.

  2. Anonymous2:54 PM

    I will sell my vote for that
