Thursday, May 15, 2008

Erection 2008: Obama Woos the Breck Girl....

Oh well, so much for cleaning up my pottymouth. I actually got this picture forwarded by two different people. Anyway, John Edwards has endorsed Barack Obama. Not a very big deal to me. Obama is already well on his way to winning the nomination, so this comes as no surprise.

The real question that people are asking is will John Edwards be the VP Nominee? I wouldn't think so. While Edwards may try to be viewed as the agent of change candidate , along with Obama, he really would be like calling a retread tire new....

Why choose the VP from 2004 - the year the Democrats BLEW IT - to be the VP in 2008? Hardly sounds like change to me. Alos, to a lesser extent, Edwards and the Democrats would be admitting that nominating John Kerry was a mistake, and that the loss in 2004 was his fault. That doesn't sound like party unity to me.....

Maybe Michelle Obama would rather divorce her husband rather than allow him to pick Hillary as VP, but Edwards is not the man. There will be someone out there that will compliment Obama better than Edwards, and it doesn't have to be Hillary.........



  1. Anonymous11:12 PM

    i would like to start seeing my name in the credits for your supply of banner material!

  2. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Hate to admit but I forwarded you this also. You may not have gotten it yet since it was a week ago. Now Obama will choose Richardson. Put your money on that. By the way you missed a good meeting in Kingstree last night.

  3. Thank you both. I didn't mention you guys by name to protect your anonymity, but if you want the credit, no problem. There's enough glory here for everyone....

  4. Anonymous2:26 PM

    No you right I need the anonymity. There was several other that I thought was better especially the Bush ones. Know what I mean. When you pass I -95 Bridge today look for me on the boat do not wreck. Will have a couple of wild ones with me.
