Friday, May 30, 2008

Holy Flying Sh*tballs !! The Space Toilet's Broken !!

Ever have a toilet back up? The smell. The mess. The unsanitariness. Now picture all that......... WITHOUT GRAVITY !!!! Now you get an idea of the disgusting mess goin gon in the International Space Station...
Yep, on the ISS, they have an anti-gravity toilet for the astronauts to use when they get the urge for Number 2. How does it work - or in this case, not work ?? I have no idea. It's beyond my little GOP brain. I don't have shit for brains or brains for shitting..... All I know is it's busted, and right now , they're cleaning it out using something similar to a turkey baster. No doubt the astronauts are thinking "Ten years of training, and I get stuck doing THIS."
But, fear not America..... NASA is sending a replacement from one of the Space Shuttles (or is it Space Shittle?). Not too long from now, they will also have a toilet that can even turn the astronaut's urine into drinking water - so, you still want to go to the Moon????


  1. Anonymous10:19 PM

    yes i want to go into space

  2. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Mikey, you don't want to know how much the NASA potty trainer cost... Air & Space (a magazine produced by the National Air & Space Museum) had an article on it some years ago.

    FWIW, the toilet uses airflow to draw waste, solid and liquid into a trap and it is muey importante to have an air tight seal between your posterior and the seat or the Shia don'e hit the fan and goes slip sliding away into the space station.

    We hear that Charlie Thompson (occasional US Senate candidate), from his vast rocket science experience, has a fine space is gross lecture, if you have the stomach for it... maybe if you can eat chitlins or BBQ Hash (after watching the traditional preparation)...
