Tuesday, May 13, 2008

How Digital TV Is Ruining a Charleston Man's Life..

Poor Len Fries. Who is Len Fries? He's probably the unluckiest man in the area right now.. And it's all the fault of the analog to digital switchover.....

Like most of you know (and cable TV keeps reminding you), all analog transmission for TV will end on February 17, 2009, thus leaving analog TV's virtually useless, unless you get the converter box. Here is where Len Fries has been getting shafted....

Thanks to the Federal Government, you can get a discount coupon off of the $40 converter box. All you have to do is call 843-388-2009 and they'll send you a coupon. OOPS !! The number is 888-388-2009. Apparently, a lot of people have been making that mistake, and calling poor Len Fries at his house. What makes people not have enough common sense to realize it's not a local number is beyond me, but it happens.

Yep. Len gets dozens of calls a day, but he has been positive about it. "No one has been rude to me. They've all been pretty understanding." Then again, it be pretty ballsy to yell at a guy when YOU dial the wrong number.

For now, Len is putting up with the inconvenience. No problem - they'll only be calling for another year or so.........



  1. Anonymous6:46 PM

    is that a cell number

  2. Nope, it's his home phone. He's a retired guy, and retirees rarely have cell phones.....TECHNOLOGY BAD !!!!!

    Personally, my dad thinks all technology is there to spy on him.

  3. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Mike, remind your dad that the computer is his friend, it couldn't spy on him unless some one told it to...

  4. That's the exact problem. To quote HAL, "I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that."
