Monday, May 19, 2008

Huckabee Wants to be Veep.. Too Bad.

Bass Players Are Used to Being in the Background...And Ignored.
Word is out that Mike Huckabee wants to be John McCain's choice for Vice-President - and in the same vein, I'd like Jessica Simpson to be the next Mrs. Reino..... Seriously, Huckabee has already blown it bigtime with his comments about Barack Obama at last week's NRA Convention. Even if he didn't say that, he wasn't going to be McCain's pick, and here's why....
My brother Matt gave me some sage advice when I was about 23 or so, an I have never followed it, all to my detriment. His advice? "Treat 'em like shit, and they're yours forever." Yes, he was talking about women, but politics is the same. If you ever really want something, act like you couldn't care less about it...
Huckabee has made no bones about his desire to be VP, but that doesn't work in DC. If Huckabee had said, "Well, I'm pretty busy, and I'm no sure John McCain is my type of candidate... I'd have to think about it.........." You get my drift. But it's too late for that. Mike, here's hoping you learn for next time. And as far as Jessica goes, I'm not sure I'm into beign Tony Romo's sloppy seconds anyway......


  1. Anonymous5:56 PM

    heard this dude play before not bad really. he is no vp candidate for sure.

  2. Sorry - my best bass guitar is Blackie Lawless of WASP.

    Give me a blood-spewing, saw blade-wearing, screaming maniac for a GOP veep candidate any day over Huckabee. They guy is just too nice.

  3. Anonymous2:30 PM

    I'd nominate Alan Keyes since Fred, Condi and Colin won't touch the job.
