Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mr. Rogers Was a Navy Seal in Vietnam ?? Find This Out and More On the Military History Quiz...

I've had enough of yardwork today, so I found this quiz, thanks to MSN. It's an interesting quiz on the military of the US. Go ahead and take it. I got 7 right, so I warn you, there are a couple answers that don't agree with some things that I've had on here before. Tread if you dare !!!!!


  1. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Mr. Rogers Neighborhood began during the Vietnam war...

  2. Yeah, I'm not sure when that story came up, but they didn't really do the math, did they?

  3. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Nope, though the Bob Keeshan - Lee Marvin myth should have been on the quiz...

    BTW, what did Lee Marvin and Johnny "Wadd" Holmes have in common?
