Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Post Number 1100: Hillary Is Finished, But Obama Shouldn't Ask Her to Quit..

Bill Will Have to Keep Daydreaming About the White House.......

It's not official, but Barack Obama has pretty much slammed the door shut on Hillary Clinton. Obama is a mere 180 delegates short of the nomination, while Clinton is 345 short of winning. The percentage that Hillary would have to win by is impossible. Hillary should just quit, right? If I were Barack Obama, I would stay away from this prospect......

Obama will be the nominee. I said it after South Carolina, and i was right. Let's face it, I'm actually pretty good at this stuff. Anyway, here is why Obama will be better off having to spend money to keep running this campaign out into June. This has been one of the toughest and most contensious campaigns ever. Not only for the candidates and the campaigns, but for the voters - and some of them are pretty upset.

Most of the polls are showing that if their candidate doesn't win, they will vote for John McCain - about 20% of Obama voters, and up to 33% of Clinton voters. Right now, losing is tough enough. Quitting will really tick off Clinton fans, and this will in the end hurt Obama. Obama needs to win the nomination not ASAP at this point, but to win it as capriciously as possible. Clinton voters will see the writing on the wall soon enough by running the string out, Obama does not need to be the one pushing the Kill Switch. It will only hurt him in November.

Yes, Hillary for President is dead. However, if she wants to play for another month to hope a miracle occurs - like Obama getting caught cheating on his wife, or him personally saying 'God Damn America' - then let her have her swan song. Pushing her out will do Obama no good. Meanwhile, John McCain skips merrily along..........

Grrrrrr !!!!!!

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