Thursday, May 01, 2008

SC6 Marks Holocaust Rememberance Day.

Yeah, They're Right.... It Never Happened.
My calendar at work lists some of the oddest holidays I've ever seen. Did you know that today is Labor Day in Mexico? Yes, Labor Day in Mexico IS a contradiction, but I digress. Today is also Holocaust Rememberance Day, where we take a moment to think about the past, and to take a minute to think about the same things going on today.
Much as we might like to think that genocide ended in Germany in 1945, we all know better. Bosnia, Sunni/Shia and Darfur, the list of one group's attempt to systematically eliminate another continues on. Only by diligently watching the world will we ever keep this type of crime limited. Are we the world's policeman? No. But, there is plenty we can do to fight the good fight in the future.
By doing so, hopefully we can truly say "Never Again" and be right........


  1. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Every time I see this picture it gets worse. How did it happen. Why did it happen. To think the Democrats do not believe it will happen again and that we should just let the mideast have at it. The only way to stop this kind of madness is another kind of madness. Nuke them all.

  2. Anonymous12:09 PM

    Never Again... one reason to keep the Confederate Flag in public view. Consider that after WW2, Nazi symbols have been quashed as much as possible, between collective shame and denial and now the holocaust is denied with Vigor and I don't mean an Acura...

    As to the illegals celebrating Labour Day, it IS the Communist Workers Day, only by the cajoling of leftists is it so serendipitously "celebrated" by the South Texicanos. I miss hte big parade in Red Square when the new model year Soviet Toys are shown off en masse, specially for the export market.
