Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Time for Someone to Check In....If Possible.

I know,I know. No good can come from this. But maybe it can. I wrote about three months ago, where I said i was giving up on Ms. X, but I was actually full of crap. I was trying to decoy someone away from here, so that Ms. X might be able to at least keep in touch a bit, without retribution. Uh, that didn't happen...
She's been focusing on doing well at school, which is the right thing. Well, class is over for the summer, and over the last few months, I figured something out - I really like Ms. X for who she is, not what she looks like. Secondly, getting in the way of two people doesn't work, so to force myself in there would not do me ANY good. I short, I miss being friends, and I decided to throw the Buddy Flag up here, just to see how she is doing. I thought going two weeks without seeing her was tough. Well, not knowing if she is dead or alive for five months really strikes home.
Ok, Ms. X. Time to drop a little note to let know you're alive. Miss ya, Princess!


  1. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Give up yet. Come to Costa Rica.

  2. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Yikes!!! Dude for all that is good and holy RUN AWAY NOW!!!!!

  3. Now, I do have other things in the works, but not hearing from people does bother me a bit. Pick all you want, but you can kiss my ass for caring. ;)

  4. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Mikey, you're a romantic and could be a torch bearer this year were the Olympics not in Commie China.

    Listen to some blues, get everything else together and help operation Chaos... VOTE HILLARY (if only in the primaries)

  5. You guys are killing me. Put a name on these comments so I don't think I'm actually getting a reply !

    Hillary's Horse & Buggy show's already been through town...

  6. Anonymous11:25 PM

    i think that anonymous is Ed Palmer
