Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Branding the Candidates: Where Have All the Great Campaign Slogans Gone ???

That's What John McCain Is, MMM MMM GOOD !!!!!
Branding: Promoting a Political Campaign Like a Product.
Yes, branding is the buzz term of the 2008 Campaign. All the candidates tried to market themselves like laundry detergent. While some did a better job than others, this year the general thought is that the pack of candidates haven't done a great job of it.
I was listening to a segment on POTUS 08 about it, and it made me think of all the great campaign slogans of the past, and how bad this year's slogans are. Remember 'I Like Ike', or 'Happy Days are Here Again'? How about 'Morning In America', or even "Tippecanoe and Tyler Too' ? Sure better than what we've had in 2008.
The goal of a slogan is to connect with the voters, and to come up with something that sticks in people's minds . Like a product , it needs to stand the test of time. Products like Coke, Memorex, Citibank and McDonald's have differentiated themselves with the slogan. However, when you use 'Hillary Clinton for President ' as your slogan, expect to go down........HARD.
What about John McCain. Well, the Straight Talk was a good taking off point, but he's seemed to fizzle. Conservative and Old don't exactly get the electorate jazzed up now. True, it's hard to get any street cred going when you're 72 and a bit pasty, but bigger miracles have happened.
As for Barack Obama, "Change We Can Believe In" is by far the best , but what if we don't think change is exactly what we're looking for? It's okay, but it's still a bland coverall term that is too generic. Something more like 'Because Lindsey Graham Is too Liberal for South Carolina' fits much better.... How did Buddy Witherspoon ever fit all that on a billboard? No wonder he lost. Give me time, I'll think of ones for them both.....
Speaking of Obama's slogan, here's what I think of, when I hear it.....
Bret Michaels for President !!


  1. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Too bad that Buddy Witherspoon didn't win. Lindsey Graham *IS* too liberal for South Carolina.

    Did anybody notice that Lindsey stopped making public appearances a year ago (unless you paid him a donation to get in) because he was consistently greeted by hecklers shouting him down for his amnesty treason?

    Yup, Lindsey simply HID from his public and easily out-spent Witherspoon with his fat, out-of-state-funded war chest, on TV commercials lying about Graham being a 'conservative.' (HA!)

    Now I will be voting for my first Democrat EVER. Bob Conley appears to hold all the TRUE conservative positions that we South Carolinians wish we could have in a Senator.

  2. How do I always get these comments for Conservatives voting for Democrats? It's like my blog is the outpost fr disgruntled Republicans. No wonder the SCGOP hates me...

  3. Anonymous12:29 PM

    McCain is lucky that Obama is the nominee apparent, Hillary is perhaps slightly more conservative than the John from Arizona.

    Waiting now for the minority slogans for candidates, like "Goin Down With Obama", since "Straight Talk" is insensitive to the GLBT community.

  4. Anonymous3:38 PM

    How about "We are all full of crap but vote for me anyway"

  5. That would be honest. I'm thinkingof posting about the lack of importance of who wins in November , and the real problem - Congress.
