Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Cheney Insults West Virginians.. Big Deal !!

Cheney Goes the West Va. - Incest Route, and Pays.......

For all of his cragginess, his heart troubles, and his age, there is one thing that a lot of people don't know about Dick Cheney - he's a really funny guy. Good timing, and excellent bite on his jokes. There are no boundaries to his humor, so every once in a while, he's gets grief for it - like this week......

It was a bit cliche', but Cheney was talking about him and Barack Obama being related distantly, and he mentioned incest, then said, "But neither of us are from West Virginia". OOPS! Off goes the PC police. Not the first time you've heard a WV-Incest joke , is it? Well, there are a few people in the Mountaineer State that are offended. Uh, too bad.

Thanks to the movie 'Deliverance' , West Virginia will forever be known as the Incest State - just like Italians and the Mafia, Gays and Judy Garland, and Jim Clyburn and populism. It just is that way..........

I have friends from West Virginia, and they know all about the banging your sister thing. It's something so stupid and untrue that no one really takes it seriously. But, we live in a PC world, and eveyone gets offended at the slightest little thing. Maybe having sex with your immediate relative isn't a little thing, but please, let's get over it.....

Right now, there are people in West Virginia that want an apology from Cheney, and not in a press conference, but in public in West Virginia. Good Luck on that one, Jasper !! If I were Cheney, I'd mistaken them for Pat Leahy for a minute, and tell them "Instead of f'ing your sister, how go f**k yourself." But that's just me........



  1. Anonymous11:01 AM

    The damnable part is that Cheney was right, evidenced by the fact that they keep sending the obdurate Klansman Robert Byrd back to DC... maybe that's to keep the sheep and the boys safe.

  2. Anonymous9:59 PM

    who has not hurt a west virginia person feelings

  3. Anonymous11:44 AM

    even worse the West Virgnina virgin, not good enough for her cousins

  4. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Isn't _Deliverance_ set in Georgia?

  5. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Isn't _Deliverance_ set in Georgia?

  6. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Deliverance is set in georgia, but parts of it was filmed in South Carolina. So I guess Mr. Cheney should have referred to South Carolinains as being insestous.
