Thursday, June 12, 2008

How Does a President's Daughter Get Paid ? Write a Book, Of Course !!

Monkey See, McCain Do...
We have another example of the craziness that surrounds presidential campaigns..... It's tough being the kid of a President or candidate. Everyone knows who you are, but it's hard to get ahead and be taken seriously. Politics always gets in the way. How can you get work done when Secret Service is al over you to prtect a co-worker, right? So, there appears to be a new trend for the kids - write a children's book !!
Hot on the heels of Jenna Bush's book (which her Mom helped on), we now are getting a book from Meghan McCain. My first thought about the McCain's is 'how can three people who live in Arizona all be so pale?' Seriously, they're like the Stay-Puft Mashmallow Man, or that Powder Kid. Little Meghan has been having some difficulties finding a paying gig since he got that oh-so-useful degree in Art History. She's interned at Newsweek and Saturday Night Live (so THAT'S how McCain got on), but those are free gigs, so she's going to write a book for kids about - what else - her Dad. Now that's a stretch, eh?
In case you didn't know, you write kids books when you can't write well enough for adults. Every movie star Mom has written a kid's book to cash in. It's actually pretty simple. I wrote a kids book about my ex - girlfriend from college (and they all died a slow, painful death !!!!), and it was optioned into a movie script. My sister wrote one about a dustball with pictures and everything, and she just bought Ecuador with the royalties !! Sweet .....
Serously, I'm sure the book's going to be full of earthshattering, riveting stuff. I'd especially like to see the cartoons of her dad. John McCain is cartoonish enough. I picture a popup book like Danny deVito had in 'Throw Momma from the Train'.. Luckily, you won't have to wait long - the book is due out in September. Yeah, it's quick, but those bills pile up pretty fast.....


  1. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Little brother..I believe you have missed your calling. You should be a columnist instead of doing finance or politics. : )

  2. Don't allow me to lose my focus by dreaming - that's how I got into politics in the first place.

    I was surprised at how well this one turned out. I heard about this on the way to work. A half hour earlier, all I had was a snippet of paper that said 'McCain Book'.

    sorry about the spelling errors....

  3. Anonymous12:16 PM

    it is called 45 sun block
